Exhibit 'A' - Brandberg Massif [Damaraland] |
Pareidolia, for those who don't know, is the phenomenon of seeing faces in inanimate objects. Mea culpa - I'm a sufferer & a tulpamancer too. Here's how I saw it. Them girls didn't, couldn't or wouldn't. Predictably their tulpas are shtum. No imagination...
Königstein is the Brandberg Intrusion's highest point. Königstein is Deutsch for 'King's Stone'. Pareidolia is, I'm told, a feature found in neurotic people. That doesn't worry me at all.
Peruse the attached photos if you will. Can you see the resting king /s?
- Yes? You're living with pareidolia. You are also an exceptional human being. Well done.
- No? Shame on you. Beige anyone?
....You're living with pareidolia. You are also an exceptional human being. Well done.
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Exhibit 'B' 5 x |
As far as tyre-punctures go, an inner, side-wall tear must be the most tiresome. Some risk a repair but inevitably the plugs fail; sometimes with a bang. Confining the tyre to the bin is easier to complete safely without the attached vehicle. Removing the flaccid rubber is a long-established practice.
We passed muster at the Namibian border at 11:57 pm ie: with 3 minutes to spare and declined to wake up the staff at our pre-booked accommodation, 2 stops further on. We were, however, a little tired & spent the night in the car, under open skies. Memorable, if not stiff-necked, stuff... We had a similar accommodation-failure on our way home, two weeks later. Don't be swayed by the board advertising accommodation in nearby Ghanzi [Botswana]. It's a little too 'touchy-freely-friendly' for children - particularly on a weekend.
Between the two nights of misery, however, two exceptional weeks of discovery & adventure.
A healthy serving of German & Italian families seemingly can't skate & migrate south, to Africa, joining most of Europe's smartest birds already on seasonal safari.
In Namibia they descend on Etosha & Swakopmund like fliegen auf scheisse. South Africans, me incl. if I'm honest, deplore the rush & wait inconvenience. Prices double; finding accommodation - hopeless prayers in the wind &, most unusually for Namibians renowned for their hospitality, local tempers fray. South Africans love to point fingers at the Lufthansa khakis & hats. Don't even mention the spousal, accusatory looks when Italian shoes & bags stroll by. Perversely this finger-pointing & the accusatory looks emanate from within the foreign arrivals queue.. Undeniably the locals celebrate the back of the South African off-road trailer gang as soon as the season closes. You cannot escape politics, humanity & tight-fitting shoes, even in the desert.
Most South Africans cross into Namibia by private vehicle. It's a valued freedom. The Euro-jet-set fill buses, mini-buses, purpose-built people vans, luxury trucks & planes. In Etosha these transfer to a steady stream of OSVs [O is for 'open'] & closed safari vehicles [CSVs - pls. follow]. These locally guided vehicles, built-for-speed, ply across the Andoni plains in search of tigre & warzenschwein; a fraud really. Smart people know that the only tigres in Africa are either behind bars; in the petting & rug business or bottled for wine. The habitat is all wrong too - tigres are a swimming cat. The desert's mirage, convincing as it is, is still a faux oasis. Warzenschwein, however, are common which I suppose accounts for the repeat business. In fact many German-speaking boys & girls, got their tails up, stayed behind & call Namibia home. This accounts for the German-influence in most of Namibia's urban hotspots esp. in Swakopmund.
'Swakopmund', German for 'beach resort at the mouth of the Swakop river', is Namibia's gateway to fun, food & a punctual taxi service. 'Swakop', in turn, is a portmanteau derived from the San words for rhino ['xwaka'] & river ['ob']. The Nama people claim the town derives its name from their own 'Tsoakhaub' or 'excrement opening'. If you ask me it's a kick in the bum for rhinos; a sp. currently on the windward side of comfortable.
Fortunately the authorities have allowed free-access to the western bits of Etosha, previously verboten for the ave. punter. We expressed our freedom. We turned left - the hats & shoes followed each other, right & by 'left' I mean from Okaukuejo, Etosha's iconic rest-camp located in the south of the park's central region.
One of the more interesting interactions played out in the straw-weight division between an Aardwolf [pictured] & an earth (4 x) of Bat-eared Fox. Usually both sp. are more active at night, respecting their nocturnal evolutionary history. That wasn't the case for this diurnal lot. Fur flew furiously as the combatants slavered each other in spits & spats. It would appear that prime, subterranean real-estate is worth the lick ...
The fight was declared a draw as soon as both sp. stopped snarling long-enough to notice us. The subsequent scattering to all points on the compass would do the ave. stampede proud. For those of you ever caught without shoes on an African beach, at midday, you'll appreciate what I mean when I say their paws were aflame as they bolted. Certainly every wolf / fox-for-itself as the furious five pushed & shoved to unmarked exits.
Birding in the west is less obvious than it is around Okaukuejo & further eastwards. Secretarybird and some of the open-plain species are, however, present in small numbers. The waterholes are a hive of activity. An hour or more at a functional waterhole [some are dry] is worth the time. Pink-billed Lark is common as are Burchell's Courser. We didn't go far enough west for the truly localised species eg: Bare-cheeked Babbler, White-tailed Shrike and Hartlaub's Spurfowl but all occur in fair numbers in the more suitable habitat in Etosha's far western corner. If the birds don't titillate lions use the sparse vegetation around the waterholes for vantage, cover & shade. The lucky few see them hunt. We were lucky.
A small, disjunct population of Black-faced Impala, captured in Namibia's northernmost Kunene region & released into Etosha in the 1970s, are more readily seen in the thicker vegetation at or further east of Okaukuejo. Territorial & sedentary as a consequence, many subsequent generations are still found at or near their ancestral points of release. Although only a sub-species of the more numerous Common Impala & not always appreciated by association, there are very few sp. in Etosha more alert and more graceful; a personal favourite.
We made the mistake of buying some vacuum-packed venison at Okaukuejo's retail outlet the night before we departed for the Brandberg Massif; Namibia's highest point south of the 'red line'. For those who don't know, red meat bought or transported north of the non-linear, non-demarcated 'red line' is prohibited from passing back or into an area south of this gazetted line. The State's intention, I presume, is to limit or eliminate the spread of foot & mouth disease [sometimes carried in uncooked meat] to the commercial cattle herds further south. FMD [foot & mouth disease] is an infectious, sometimes fatal, disease affecting most cloven-hoofed ruminants. Game sp., largely immune to the disease, are carriers and can infect susceptible ruminants, in close contact. That's fair enough. Applying the same logic to commercially-processed / prepared meat is, however, a crock of droppings. The officials grow corpulent on confiscated meat.
An official's grasp of written & verbal English, the sometimes common language, often fails when good meat is on the block. 'Vacuum-packed in Outjo', [the commercial hub south of & the gateway to Etosha] is, I submitted, similar in content to other 'vacuum-packed' meat; a method of packaging which 'legally' excludes the contents from confiscation on a red-line transgression.
Deaf ears. I hope they enjoyed it...
Fortunately the drive to the Brandberg Massif, further south & west, is fairly uneventful. Silent, quiet contemplation provides some perspective... The route is not without its points of interest, however. En route, traditionally-dressed Herero & Himba women advertise photographic opportunities. Group selfies are extra. It's a commercial service on a first-pay, then click basis. The days of click & run are history.
From atop the inselberg, behind the lodge, is a view that stretches across the plains. To the west - the slumbering king. In the north - the Ugab river; an oasis of green on a palette of red & sandy brown. To the east and south - ragged, jagged, stony plains. The unaccompanied silence is both deafening & intrusive; a comfort in a topsy-turvy world of our own making.
An artificial water-feature behind the pool attracts a plethora of localised sp. In this thirstland water is life. In the late afternoon swifts & martins skim the surface for a stolen sip. Namaqua Sandgrouse take their turn a breath before twilight. As darkness plummets a new order of things; smaller things.
The Marbled Rubber Frog is a localised busy-body & noisy neighbour. Inhabitants of arid, rocky regions, this amphibian is resolute in defying the odds. The fact that the sp. is also semivoltine [ie: takes more than a year to complete a single generation], makes its evolutionary survival worth croaking about.
The immediate lull after crepuscule's last call is a veneer of tranquility The desert's circle of life is, in fact, a ring of fire esp. under lights, over water.
Gorged on the juices of fallen revelers at burn-out, nightjars pick a window & chew the fat. Light-goblins dance on the pool. Yap-yap. Yap-yap.
Like all nocturnal birds nightjars have a larger corneal diameter relative to the axial length of the eye. It's an adaptation for visual sensitivity to light, rather than acuity. Artificial light, therefore, tends to overwhelm the sensibilities of nocturnal birds and they become vulnerable. Predators exploit the opportunity.
Big cats still roam these parts in drips & drabs; pushed to life's edge by cheap ammo. and a misguided sense of entitlement. Small cats are also under the cosh. Fortunately the smaller felids' diminutive size exploits a wider range of rocks under which they hang & hide. Humans, excl. the crossfit mob, don't like lifting rocks. Too many nasties.
Discombobulated under lights, nightjars bob, excessively blinking & confused. Marinade & sides is, therefore, the most difficult decision for the resident caracal pop. when 'good-nightjar' features on the table. Fortunately for the bird pictured, the cat & I rounded the same boulder, in a converging, parallel universe; the cat in a clockwise pussyfoot, me anti-estab. ie: t'other way. The hiss & howdy-rowdy at contact was an echo too much to bear. The bird departed without so much as a good story.
In betwixt the ugly sibling & our Swakop hotel, reside a plethora of unscrupulous, desert-fun-touting, tourist-trap shysters. They call themselves 'special interest tour [SIT] operators'. You might want to sit down before you pay.
Fastidious in their pursuit of profit, activity rack rates rise high above the para-glider bailout zone. The quads get you squatting too but it's all good fun in the sandpit or so I'm told. Globe-trotting adreno-bums flock in; fly high & flock out again. Fortunately only a specified section of the desert is cordoned-off for these activities & that includes the latest fun-in-da-sun craze - Namib-surfing. Regulations prohibit any paid-for excursions outside of this designated zone. Any transgression is punitive and for the tour operator's account. The regs. are, therefore, adhered to zealously; a law-abiding cartel, then.
The kids spent a week flying, jumping, riding & surfing on their bums with the other bums; a sand-burn to rival the sunburn if ever they came a cropper. Alisha & I spent the time birding & in degrees of anaphylactic shock at bill-presentation; theirs, not ours; their bumps & bruises a perverse but unspoken delight. Poor babies.
The return leg was a gentle, wound-licking affair - the last night's accommodation notwithstanding & a reminder that travel, in whatever form & to wherever, whenever, anywhere, is true wealth. Don't spend your time lightly.